The 2025 benchmark for the
biomass heating sector
{{t_days}} {{t_hours}} {{t_minutes}} Heating and energy production with wood and agro-forestry biomass Fiera di Arezzo 6/8 March 2025 {{t_seconds}} days hours minutes secondi
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Italia Legno Energia: the future of heating is in wood

Heating and power generation with wood and biomass

Organized by Veronafiere SpA and promoted by Progetto Fuoco, dedicated to the production of heating energy with agro-forest biomass.

All the most important companies specialized in plants and equipment for wood and pellet heating are present. Italia Legno Energia has become a reference point in odd years, when the bigger biannual exhibition Progetto Fuoco in Verona is not on schedule. The exhibition is also a strategic opportunity to further enhance the biomass renewable energy source in Central Italy, notoriously rich in forests and woods.

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Italia Legno Energia 2025


Italia Legno Energia rappresenta il meglio della produzione internazionale di stufe, caminetti, caldaie e cucine a legna e pellet, prodotti legnosi a fini energetici (legna, pellet e cippato).
Italia Legno Energia è il più importante evento fieristico europeo – per dimensione e numero di espositori – del 2025 nel settore del riscaldamento a biomassa.

Scopri le novità nel settore del riscaldamento a biomassa

sei un visitatore?

Rivolgendosi al pubblico degli agriturismi e imprese agricole, delle serre e vivai, alle attività commerciali, turistiche ed alberghiere, agli studi tecnici, progettisti ed architetti, installatori e rivenditori provenienti da tutta Italia, in particolar modo dall’Italia Centrale.

Wood heating innovation in Arezzo

From the forest to the fireplace

The entire wood supply chain is meeting in Arezzo for a three-day event open to operators and the public.

From stoves, to fireplaces, boilers, large biomass plants, pellets, chips, components, accessories and items for the flue gas system. The most modern and innovative technological solutions for domestic, civil, industrial heating and mini-cogeneration.

Thanks to its invaluable technical partnership with AIEL (the Italian Agroforestry Energy Association), Italia Legno Energia will also provide opportunities to find out about all of the latest news in a packed schedule of meetings, conventions and workshops covering topics such as certification, incentives, the design process and choosing the right pellets.

Press Release

Mar 23 – Italia Legno Energia closes with over 15 thousand entries. The biomass heating industry starts again from Arezzo. And is already looking to Verona: appointment in 2024

Mar 23 – The wood industry between sustainability and innovation. Italia Legno Energia, a sector on the rise in Arezzo. The only event of the year dedicated to biomass heating

Jan 23 – Stoves and pellets, boom in online searches: +25%. The peak in Valle d’Aosta, Veneto, Sardinia and Calabria. Countdown to the Italia Legno Energia traid fair

Jul 22 – Italia Legno Energia returns to Arezzo: the wood and pellet heating fair

Jun-22 – Europe country’s energy future lies in wood

Exhibited products

Production/Sale of stoves, fireplaces, ovens, barbecues

Production/Sale of boilers and wood energy technologies

Forestry machinery and equipment

Production/Sale of wood products for energy purposes

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